
this few day...
something not suitable write on blog....
i feel very bad moon this few day...
family problem...
long time no cry de me......
cannot control myself again.....
i m a strong girl......will not easily cry...
except when anniversary......
the last time i cry is on formasi that day...
n last saturday i crying.......
please..please don like that to me...
i very dissapointed......sad........
please...u r my .....family......
i cannot smile this few day..
sometimes.....i smile or laugh
actually..is act...
i donwan ppl to see my sad faces....
i become a actor!!!haha.....a cold smile....lols

1 条评论:

  1. Dun be sad... just think of happy thing and you will be ok. Hope you can get over this, gambateh! (lol)
