
Holiday dream

In this holiday really boring..

busy de thg over...nothing can do le....

except gathering de thing!!!!

haizzz.....this holiday my grandmom always

call me to clean up such thing..throw away something..

but i thk nothing can be throw away!!!

can throw de thing all i threw ady la!!

example...buku latihan or note book ..form 2

exersice book.....wah!!so many exercise didnt do tiok

haha..my exercise book still new ...haha..so i gave away to ppl

haha....yesterday night i dreamed about f3 life...

very funny!! i dreamed ..i am f3 guide th go saturday

activity..a new f1(next year) call me f2....thn i said i m f3 not

f2...she ans oo..sorry ..f3....thn i said nvm...thn i tell my frenz

that she called me f2...zz lo....such dream also got..sot sot de...

but now i forget the girl's face le....dnknw really next year

got this f1 ppl bo....sot sot de......

i also dreamed next year when open school...

i find bo oeh zhe hui.....no place sit lo.......=.=..zz

